Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Favorite Sports Hair Part 3 (Diego Maradona)

In honor of the World Cup, today's selection goes to former Argentianian soccer great and current manager of the Argentina's national team. There's something to be said about a man standing on the sideline's who looks like he can have you whacked if you blow a few more scoring opportunities. Lionel Messi, I'm talking to you.
Maradona is probably the most interesting athletic figure most Americans have never heard of. He's one of the greatest soccer players of all time, some would say the greatest. He led the Argentinian national team to a 1986 World Cup victory. Along the way, he scored both goals in a dramatic 2-1 quarterfinal win over England. And get this, the names given to those goals are "The Hand of God," and "The Goal of the Century." I challenge you to not live an interesting life with accomplishments carrying those lofty titles.
Maradona is an avid supporter of Fidel Castro, and "hates everything that comes from the United States." He also has a tattoo of Che Guevara on his arm.
If that's not good enough, he was addicted to cocaine for the better part of ten years, and his weight ballooned because of it. By the year 2000 he bared a striking resemblance to Pablo Escobar. Since drug addiction and dying because of weight related issues wouldn't be dramatic enough, Maradona chose to get his stomach stapled in 2005 and managed to kick his cocaine addiction.
That brings us to the 2010 World Cup, where Maradona's sideline reactions and overall demeanor bring some much needed excitement to the game. Every ball that went out of bounds to his sideline he managed to grab, ready to throw in on his own terms. I'm fully convinced that he would sub himself in if he could.
Through it all, the cocaine, weight gain and loss, and political fervor, Maradona has managed to keep a perfect head of hair. Just as full and curly as ever, and now slicked back for emphasis. It's hard to imagine his issues over the years having no effect on that hair. His hairline isn't even receding for God's sake. Is there no stress in this man's life?
Let me know your secret Maradona, as long as that secret doesn't involve me spending 3-9 years in prison.

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