Here are a few of the random thoughts I jotted down in my notebook while watching Game 6.
Mike Breen's opening thoughts, "I think we've talked about Game 5 quite enough." Amen, let's get this show on the road.
Mike Brown decides to put Shaq on KG, and KG proceeds to make his first four shots, all midrange jumpers. Apparently Brown's thought process behind this matchup was to put a bigger body on KG so he would have a tougher time in the paint. Well, that backfired, because KG can hit the midrange jumper too.
I think I've found out why they call Glen Davis "Big Baby." ESPN cuts to a shot of the Celtics bench and KG has both hands around Big Baby, coddling him as he's wrapped up in towels. It was very reminiscent of a father holding a newborn. I'm looking at KG shouting in his ear, and Davis has this dumbfounded look on his face, his tongue's hanging half-way out like KG's teaching him calculus. I'm reading the thought bubble above Big Baby's head and it's saying "We're up 3 with three quarters to go. Shut the fuck up already."
10:30 mark in the 2nd quarter, LeBron drives to the basket and finishes a three point play as Rasheed Wallace weakly rakes him across the arm. I wonder if Rasheed has ever comitted a smart foul? He always seems confused as to whether he wants to foul or back off, so he just figures I'll go half-way and foul weakly. [Edit: Rasheed commits almost exactly the same foul again in the 3rd on LeBron, resulting in another 3 point play.]
One minute later Rasheed gets T'd up. That thing I said about bad fouls, yeah...
Who has worse form at the line: Tony Allen or Shaq? Both throw it up there like a 10 year old kid from India who picked up a basketball for the first time.
The most surprising story of the first half is Mo Williams, 20 points on 7-10 shooting. I think an assistant coach told him before the game that he's not in Milwaukee anymore, he can stop playing like a backup point guard.
First half turnovers, CLE - 12, BOS - 9. Close game, Celtics up 51-49. Who ever turns the ball over less in the second half will win this game.
Start of the second half and Jamison is matched up with KG. KG hits two of his first three shots, it seems like Anderson Varejao is the only player on Cleveland's roster who has a shot at guarding him.
Varejao is matched up with KG around the 6 minute mark in the 3rd. KG hits a fadeaway jumper over Varejao's extended hand. Played perfectly defensively and it just doesn't matter. What a wild card KG became in this series. Who would have thought he'd come up this big in the postseason watching him, say, midway throught the regular season? He's going to matched up against Rashard Lewis next round, that's going to wear him out on the defensive end. Let's see if he's still able to hit 18 foot turnaround jumpers.
Paul Pierce hits the Celtics's first three pointer of the game to put them up 7 towards the end of the 3rd. It always seems like Pierce comes up big when you need him to. He'll be 2-14 and still hit a game winning 3 pointer. [Edit: Did it again, another big 3 with 8 minutes left in the 4th to extend the lead to 9 and put the Cavs away].
Through out the playoffs they've been advertising this Just Wright movie starring Common and Queen Latifah. I honestly want to see this just to see how terrible it is. How unbelievable is it that Common falls for Queen Latifah? This is a guy who's dated gorgeous women such as Serena Williams and Erykah Badu and I'm supposed to believe that he falls in love with Queen Latifah, AND she helps him recover from an injury?
The funniest moment of the night involved Big Baby loathing in self pity, screaming at his bench "I fucked up, I know, I know," while free throws were being shot. He repeated it like five times. At the other end he had just passed up a wide open jumper to drive to the basket and throw up a brick. Want to take a guess which one of his teammates was criticizing him from the bench?
9:30 left in the 4th, LeBron hits back to back 3s, Cavs down 4, it looks finally like this will be the first time in two games he takes over. Next two possessions: LeBron turns it over, instead of driving to the basket, passes to Varejao who drives and doesn't get the call. This succession of plays really sums up the Cavs and LeBron's play in the series. A glimmer of hope, followed by a turnover, and the realization that this series is over.
By the way, turnovers in the second half, CLE - 10, BOS - 2. Celtics win 94-85.
I eagerly await some the ridiculous things people will say to justify the theory that LeBron played bad on purpose to "ease" his way out of Cleveland. My two predictions. 1) Someone will point out the suspicious way that he covered his mouth while talking to Celtics players after the game. 2) Someone will comment on how quickly he removed his Cavs jersey before even making it to the locker room.
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